The Dutch government is attempting to silence Wilders in retaliation for the movie Fitna.
You can stand up for free speech by signing the petition.
To: The Dutch Government
WHEREAS Geert Wilders has exercised his fundamental human right of
freedom of expression and spoken out, with facts and evidence, of the
threat posed by radical Islam;
WHEREAS certain elements within Islamic communities have threatened
a boycott of Dutch goods if Geert Wilders is not punished by the Dutch
government for exercising his freedom of expression; and
WHEREAS certain elements in Dutch industry and the Dutch government
are suggesting that Geert Wilders be prosecuted civilly or criminally,
in order to prevent such a boycott;
IT IS RESOLVED that, in the event that the Dutch government
attempts, in any way, to punish or prosecute Geert Wilders, civilly or
criminally, for exercising his freedom of expression, the undersigned
will initiate a boycott of any and all Dutch goods. Sign here.
Read more about Wilders' situation in an interview with Robert Spencer.
Other voices, Woman Honor Thyself.