I'm sure this had nothing to do with it.
New York, NY, November 23, 2005 … Reacting to revelations that Michael Jackson referred to Jews as "leeches" in a voicemail to a former business manager, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today said the pop music icon "has an anti-Semitic streak" and hasn't learned from his past mistakes, including the use of anti-Semitic epithets in a 1995 song he wrote.
In tapes aired yesterday on ABC's "Good Morning America," Mr. Jackson was heard saying of Jews, "They suck … They're like leeches. … I'm so tired of it … It is a conspiracy. The Jews do it on purpose."
We had hoped that Jackson would have learned from his mistakes. While he apologized for, and later removed the anti-Jewish lyrics in "They Don't Care About Us," it is clear now that he never was able to completely remove the bigotry from his own heart.
Rather, he embraced it.