I found this fun little quote at Newsbusters, via Hot Air Headlines.
And then these nitwits at home with their computers, these bloggers, who [snorts] think they're part of the news media, can then accuse us of being soft on this candidate or that candidate.Those are the words of Mike Barnicle. You can examine Barnicle's unbiased reporting in the video along with the rest of the crack reporting team at MSNBC.
NB-Note: It was the Purple Avenger at Ace of Spades who apparently broke the story of Obama's Auschwitz confusion and Michelle Malkin who helped get it out. Keep up the good work, and maybe someday you too can be members of the real news media. You know, the kind that work at papers like the Washington Post, so straitened even its most venerable columnist is accepting a buy-out.
Someone has to keep the record straight, just ask Dan Rather.