On May 23, the Seattle Times carried an article by religion reporter Janet Tu titled: “Does course on Islam give law enforcers wrong idea?”
Some local Muslims are apparently concerned that the program, “The Threat of Islamic Jihadists to the World”, conducted by Miami-based Security Solutions International (SSI), may promote stereotypes and ethnic/religious profiling.
According to the article, the course provides insight into the formative phases of Islam, the religion’s different branches, radical Islam and information on how to respond to terrorist acts.
In short, SSI is providing
a well-thought out course designed to prepare local law enforcement for
the day when they will confront Islamic terrorism in their city.
Unsurprisingly, the Washington State chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) must rise to the defense of Islamic terrorists by implying that the program will somehow cause law enforcement officers to respond inappropriately when they come into contact with Muslims.
Washington State chapter president Arsalan Bukhari apparently believes the program may link Islam to terrorism:
"Most police officers don't have a basic grounding in Islam, so before you teach them about Islam, how can you teach them about radical Islam?...it just makes you nervous because when a law-enforcement person pulls someone over, when they see a Muslim person or someone who appears Muslim to them — all this information they just learned kicks in."
Bukhari mentions an incident that occurred last summer when the FBI launched an international search for two men who took photos below deck on a Washington state ferry. The men were later found to be tourists.
Bukhari failed to mention that the two men:
- Traveled on as many as six different ferries.
- Seemed inordinately interested in the operation of the vessel.
- Took photographs of the interior of the boats.
- Accessed areas tourists and commuters usually don’t.
In other words, the two men were acting suspiciously; suspiciously enough that the ferry captain took their photo and asked law enforcement for help.
Bukhari complained that while law-enforcement agencies need to learn about Islam, they need to do so not just in the context of terrorism.
CAIR, with proven connections to Islamic terrorism, is not the organization to lecture anyone about peaceful Islam; peaceful Islam is as foreign to CAIR as civil rights are to Al Queda.
Solomon Bradman, SSI CEO, said this:
I think their religion got linked to terrorism a long time ago."
For example:
- Every member of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is white; do law enforcement officers automatically assume that every white person they pull over belongs to the KKK?
Seattle Port Police Chief Colleen Wilson met with CAIR representatives and offered to have them provide additional training. Bukhari has accepted the offer.
Too bad Chief Wilson didn’t investigate CAIR before extending her offer. CAIR’s proven ties to Islamic terrorism, support for Islamic terrorist states, and efforts in support of activities designed to undermine our government renders CAIR not suitable to provide any kind of training to members of law enforcement.
Maybe SSI will one day
provide training on this terrorist front group that is a clear and
present danger?
One can only hope …