Not to be outdone by Coke, Pepsi joins the List of Things that Offend Muslims.
Calls to boycott the company's products are becoming widespread, despite the fact that Pepsi removed this condition following earlier complaints. After a similar move by the Consumers Association, the Craftsmen and Artisans Association (ESDER) has announced that they will boycott Pepsi products until the company issues a public apology. ESDER President Mahmut Çelikus emphasized that saying "those wearing headscarves cannot participate in the contest" is discrimination based on people's beliefs.
Çelikus noted that companies operating in Turkey, where 99 percent of the population is Muslim, have to respect the values of the public. Calling for Pepsi to apologize, Çelikus stated that should Pepsi refuse to do so, ESDER will begin a boycott in accordance with its members' demands. Pepsi had previously announced on the contest Web site -- -- that contest photos with people wearing the headscarf would not be approved by moderators. The company then replaced "headscarf" with "religious, political [content] photos as well as those that may be misconceived," because of further criticism. Pepsi then made a third correction, announcing that photos violating laws and general ethics would not be published.