Cross posted from Anti-CAIR.
On January 31, 2008, the Electronic Frontier
Foundation (EFF) posted a
press release from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
In the press release, CAIR Legal Counsel
Hadhira Al-Khalili stated: "Michael Savage's
frivolous and baseless lawsuit is a direct attack on First Amendment
freedoms and on any citizen's right to comment on public issues...his
suit is an abuse of the judicial system and a transparent attempt to
punish those who challenge his hate-filled rhetoric."
While we welcome CAIR's newly discovered
respect for the First Amendment;
we wonder where CAIR's respect for civil rights was when CAIR sued Anti-CAIR founder Andrew Whitehead for
defamation back in 2004? Or do
"civil rights" only apply to Muslims whom support the overthrow of the
United States government? We'd ask Al-Khalili, but as in the CAIR
defamation lawsuit, we're sure she wouldn't be up to the challenge of
defending CAIR. Given CAIR's proven ties to terrorists and terrorist
groups, how can she? What could she possibly say about CAIR that would
mitigate the proven truths about CAIR's associations with known
terrorists and terrorist groups?
will never defeat Savage in front of a jury; CAIR's best hope is to
find a sympathetic judge who will dismiss the case before it comes to
trial. Failing that, CAIR will run away from this case, just as they
did in their lawsuit against Anti-CAIR's founder.
But will CAIR be able to run from this case?
reading of Savage's material leads us to believe that Savage would like
nothing better than to see CAIR in court, in front of a jury. Somehow
we doubt that Savage would be happy with anything less than the total
demands he is making. CAIR is in a bind; if it pays Savage to settle,
it loses. If this goes to the jury, it will lose as well.
attorney, Daniel Horowitz, has a "bull dog" reputation; would he have
taken Savage's case if he thought he couldn't win? Horowitz can afford
to pick and choose his cases, he obviously believes in Savage or he
could have easily turned this case down.
Details of Savage's lawsuit can be read here:
Details of CAIR's lawsuit against Anti-CAIR founder found here:
In response to the EFF's support of CAIR, Anti-CAIR sent the following e-mail to
Dear Ms. Jeschke,
name is Andrew Whitehead, I am the founder and director of Anti-Council
on American-Islamic Relations (Anti-CAIR); a small group
of concerned
citizens united in exposing the relationship between the Council on
American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and various Islamic terrorist
personalities and groups. I invite you to visit our web site,
for more information on our work.
the several years we have been fighting and exposing CAIR's bigotry,
anti-American rhetoric, and support for Islamist terrorism (along with
CAIR's proven links to same), one thing we have learned that your
organization apparently has not: CAIR is not what it seems to be.
Beneath the colorful logo, the friendly handshakes, the photo-ops with
various political leaders and community representatives is a group that
is working, every minute of every day, to advance the radical Islamist
agenda in North America.
The following list is proven true:
"Let there be no doubt that the Council on American-Islamic
is a terrorist supporting front organization that is partially funded
by terrorists, and that CAIR wishes nothing more that the
implementation of Sharia Law in America."
CAIR has proven links
to, and was founded by, Islamist terrorists. CAIR actively supports
terrorists and terrorist-supporting groups and nations."
CAIR is an organization found by Hamas
supporters which seeks to overthrow Constitutional government in the
United States and replace it with an Islamist theocracy using our own
Constitution as protection."
is not in the United States to promote the civil rights of Muslims.
CAIR is here to make radical Islam the dominate religion in the United
States and convert our country in an Islamic theocracy."
"CAIR receives direct funding from Islamic terrorist
I introduced this list by saying, "The following list is proven true".
do I know for a fact that it is true? Simple, CAIR sued me for making
these statements (additional statements are on the web site). When CAIR
sued me, my legal team requested a jury trial. In preparation for
trial, we went through the discovery process. Just before trial was at
hand, CAIR dropped the case, "with prejudice" (meaning they cannot sue
again for the same truths I wrote). Wouldn't you like to ask CAIR why
they dropped the lawsuit? You would like to know why they couldn't
defend themselves, wouldn't you? I know the answer: My attorney, Reed
Rubinstein, was too close to the truth in our discovery questions. CAIR
knew we had the goods on them and that a trial would expose them to the
whole world for what they really are: an Islamic terrorist front group.
ahead, put these questions to CAIR; see if you get a better answer. You
won't. Instead, they'll call me "Islamophobic, xenophobic" and a whole
host of other words...all in the hope that you will forget the original
question...because you don't want to appear to be "mean", you'll go
along with it. How do I know? Because I've seen them do it a million
times before.
CAIR has lately claimed that I paid them to drop
the lawsuit. Would you care to ask them just how many pieces of silver
it takes to get them to swallow their so-called "honor"?
Don't be surprised when your question is ignored.
Personally, I'd rather die than give up my honor...but then I am not an
officer in CAIR; where "honor" is just another word in the dictionary.
By running from the lawsuit they instigated, CAIR has confirmed that
every word I ever wrote about them is true.
among many other anti-radical Islamic groups, have pointed out CAIR's
attacks on our civil liberties, CAIR attempts to bully organizations
and government agencies into submitting to radical Islam, and CAIR's
siding with Islamic terrorists in North America.
The Electronic
Frontier Foundation is siding with an organization that actively
supports those who will shut you down the very moment they take power.
You have very little idea of just how this will affect your group
long-term; I can tell you from personal experience that North Americans
do not respect organizations that stand with CAIR.
I have included those CAIR members you have posted to your web page,
In addition, please feel free to publish this e-mail or share it with
Unlike CAIR, I do not fear the sunlight.
feel free to ask any questions you may have regarding CAIR, I can
promise a truthful response. I also invite you share any further
communications we may have in future with CAIR or anyone else.
Andrew Whitehead
Director, Anti-Council on American-Islamic Relations (Anti-CAIR)
When CAIR loses the Savage lawsuit, will CAIR share
its rock with the
Stay tuned ...
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