This post is for those who have friends and family affected by the wildfires and are having trouble getting information.
The San Diego Union Website has updated information and a forums section with reports from individuals of specific towns and outlaying areas.
Map of affected areas in San Diego County.
Wildfires 2007 Blog has a list of Rancho Bernardo Home destroyed.
The North County Times is a good bet for Escondido, Fallbrook, Poway, etc...
The Red Cross is taking donations.
California Fire News is a blog with loads of information regarding specific evacuation orders.
The Village News is the local paper for Fallbrook/Bonsall and has continual updates on the Rice Canyon fire.
Fallbrook Fire is a blog with some useful links and lots of comments for people in the area.
Fallbrook Rice Fire has maps, photos and a good comments section.
The Curmudgeon's View is blogging Valley Center.
San Diego County Emergency has shelter info, animal shelters, and road closures.
Sigalert for traffic and road closures.
A lot of commenters at the above sites have been complaining that the San Diego media isn't covering the Fallbrook area well. Some of them are out of state and still have friends and family there like myself, and many are evacuated and are looking for better information as to the whereabouts of the fire. I hope these links help.
Southern California Fire information Hot lines
- Witch Fire - (619) 590-3160
- Buckweed Fire - (323) 881-2411
- Canyon Fire - (323) 881-2411
- Coronado Hills Fire - (323) 881-2411
- Harris Fire - (323) 881-2411
- Grass Valley Fire - (323) 881-2411
- McCoy Fire - (619) 590-3160
- Ranch Fire - 626) 574-5208
- Rice Fire - (619) 590-3160
- Roca Fire - (951) 940-6985
- Santiago Fire - (714) 573-6200
- Sedgewick Fire - (805) 681-5546
- Slide Fire - (619) 590-3160