Keith Ellison, the first ever Muslim congressman with close ties to CAIR, is video taped here spewing some ridiculous anti-American hatred that would make Osama bin Laden proud. The irony is, if Bush really was the Hitler as the far left often says, guys like Ellison would be thrown in prison or worse. The fact that Ellison, Ward Churchill et al, are walking around free saying what they want, disproves their own point, that we're living under some kind of dictatorship. Hat tip, LGF
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Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson's Website, Blog @, Committees of Correspondence, Mark My Words, DeMediacratic Nation, Jeanette's Celebrity Corner, DragonLady's World, Webloggin, Cao's Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, Conservative Thoughts, Right Celebrity, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Nuke's news and views, Pirate's Cove, The Pink Flamingo, and High Desert Wanderer, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.Keith Ellison, Useful Idiot or Islamist Agent?
Keith Ellison For Dummies
Keith Ellison, Taqiyya in Action
History Lesson for Keith Ellison
CAIR & America’s Political Class; Collusion or Confusion?