Hat tip, Hot Air.
A gutsy move by the 73 year old Merrill, who seems to be anticipating a violent reprisal. The atheist artist attacked the Bible in public, but the Koran is desecrated in secret. He may hate both religions equally, but he fears Islam. That's not a subtle difference.
Charles Merrill, the artist who recently edited the Holy Bible with a black marker and pair of scissors, has lately burned a rare Islamic Holy Book, The Koran, valued at $60,000.00, in an undisclosed Chicago location. "The purpose of editing and burning Abrahamic Holy Books is to eliminate homophobic hate," Merrill stated. "Both ancient books are terrorist manuals."
He continues, "I inherited the rare Islamic book from my late wife, Evangeline Johnson Merrill. As the daughter of the founder of the international pharmaceutical giant, Johnson and Johnson, Inc., doors of kings and queens opened to her around the world. Evangeline was given the rare manuscript by the late King of Jordan when she was on a mission for the United Nations in the 1950's."
"Airplanes are flown into buildings because of words, and hate crimes against gays," Merrill said.