A few days ago, Edwards claimed that the War on Terror was just a bumper sticker slogan.
Giullani responded with this;
"If you think there's a global war on terror as a slogan for George Bush, you are not facing reality," Giuliani said of Edwards, a potential rival for the White House. "It kind of makes the point that I've been making over and over again, that the Democrats, or at least some of them, are in denial."
(...) Edward's speech, in Giuliani's hometown no less, allowed Giuliani to return to a favorite theme in recent weeks, that only the Republicans, and he in particular, understand the true nature of the terror threat, while the Democrats would return the country to being "on defense" against terrorism.
"I guess this Democratic senator doesn't remember it -- bin Laden declared war on us," Giuliani said. In contrast, Giuliani said of terrorists, "I don't get fuzzy and romantic about it. I understand there are people in this world who want to come here and kill us."
We know that Edwards doesn't want to fight terrorism abroad, but how does he propose to fight terror at home without secure borders? On the other hand GOP candidates seem to understand that homeland security starts at home.
In White River Junction, Vt., Giuliani derided the legislation as an inadequate "hodgepodge" that "kind of goes in 10 different directions without any central focus." And Romney, who says the bill amounts to amnesty for illegal immigrants, said in Tulsa, Okla.: "Let them apply like everybody else in the world."
Let's hope that this is more than just campaign rhetoric.
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