Hat tip, JW. Today's muhajideen won't fight with large armies in the traditional sense of battle. Islam has traditionaly been spread with the sword. But today's Muslim nations are far behind in technology, so they will continue to wear down their own countrymen with suicide bombers. In a war like this, leftist pity for "freedom fighters" and "oppressed peoples" are Islam's best weapons.
If Europe doesn't rethink it's polically correct policies, thousands of "Battle of the Tours'" will be fought in the shape of car bombs upon the citizenry, giving no quarter to women, children or the elderly.
As the French people went to the polls to select a president, jihadi members of an al-Qaeda online forum exchanged messages discussing their aspiration to "reinvade France (and convert it into) an Islamic country."
A post that appeared on the al-Firdaws jihadi forum, submitted by a user named Faisal al-Baghdadi, contained a lengthy historical account of "the second stop of the Islamic conquest of Europe, France, after Andalusia, Spain."
The internet discussion appeared as Spanish security forces warned that both Spain and France were targets of al-Qaeda terror plots.
The post took a nostalgic look at the battle of Tours in 732, in which Muslim forces, commanded by Rahman al-Ghafiqi, who invaded a portion of France, were repelled by the Frankish general Charles Martel ("the hammer"), and forced to retreat. The battle stemmed the medieval Islamic conquest of Europe."We ask that Allah sends us a genuine Rahman al-Ghafiqi, to finish what he started in Europe, and conquer the Vatican as promised in our beautiful Islamic verses," the post concluded.
"The Islamic army was left with a large number of martyrs, especially the great shahid (martyr) Abdul Rahman a-Ghafiqi… this battle is mentioned in history, and is known at the battle of Tours," the post explained.
You can also count on the muhajideen to use the most vile weapons available to them.
Meanwhile, a document circulating a number of al-Qaeda websites contains a guide on how to survive a nuclear war. An accompanying message said the guide had been translated into Arabic.
The document began with a prayer: "And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy…"
...and their purpose;
"Finally, we ask God to grant us the ability to enable his rule across all corners of the earth," the message concluded. It was signed by "your brothers in the Jihad Media Battalion."
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