Kenneth Ballen, the founder and President of Terror Free Tomorrow, has written a puff piece for Islamic radicalism. Predictably, he makes his case with polls conducted by an American University and never bothers to mention jihad. But surprisingly, Ballen makes this blunder,
""Americans are more approving of terrorist attacks against civilians than any
major Muslim country except for Nigeria.""
Sure they are. Those Americans are always handing out candy to children after terrorist attacks, celebrating after 9/11, naming streets after terrorists and referring to suicide bombers as "martyrs". It never dawns on Ballen that the poll is worthless, but he does concede this,
"Do these findings mean that Americans are closet terrorist sympathizers? Hardly."
But before Ballen lapses into reality, he launches into his countrymen who are always jumping to conclusions,
Yet, far too often, Americans and other Westerners seem willing to draw that
conclusion about Muslims. Public opinion surveys in the United States and Europe
show that nearly half of Westerners associate Islam with violence and Muslims
with terrorists. Given the many radicals who commit violence in the name of
Islam around the world, that's an understandable polling result.
No kidding. Ballen peers carefully into the wrong end of the telescope and sees Muslims victimized by Americans. Like a lot of pundits in the media, Ballen takes the view that not all Muslims are terrorists, therefore, it's religion of peace. This is like saying 50 years ago that not all Germans are soldiers, therefore fascism is peaceful. We are dealing with a totalitarian ideology then as now. It's not a matter of how many Muslims turn to jihad, it's a matter that jihad exists as a pillar of Islam. Until Islam undergoes a major reform, there will always be more muhajideen willing to kill infidels for the sake of Allah,
The idea the American's acknowledgment of Islam as the source of terrorism is some sort of prejudice is a crude understanding of the national mood and does nothing but serve those who wish to destroy us and our way of life. To make matters worse, Ballens makes the absurd claim that those who support Osama bin Laden aren't really supporting terror at all,
For most people, their professed support of terrorism/bin Laden can be more
accurately characterized as a kind of "protest vote" against current US foreign
policies, not as a deeply held religious conviction or even an inherently anti-
American or anti-Western view.
So OBL murders 2,996 Americans, becomes a hero in the Muslim world, but there's nothing anti-American about it and the people who support him are just issuing a "protest vote". It all makes sense now. So if you can buy that, you love this little gem,
In truth, the common enemy is violence and terrorism, not Muslims any more than
Christians or Jews. Whether recruits to violent causes join gangs in Los Angeles
or terrorist cells in Lahore, the enemy is the violence they exalt.
This logic dictates that a policeman subduing a criminal is just as evil as the unmitigated violence committed by a murderer. Pacifism only works if everyone participates, and freedom will only survive if we defend it. Ballen needs to realize that jihad isn't going to go away on it's own, no matter how nice we are to Muslims. The Muslim theocracies believe they have one thousand years to convert, kill or dhimmify the entire planet, and they will use any means to attain these goals. Perhaps the next "protest vote" will convince him.
Related: American Muslims Surveyed
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