CAiR has decided things are a bit too dull around the airports these days...
Washington Times American Muslims making a religious pilgrimage to Mecca are being
encouraged to file civil rights complaints if they feel discriminated
against by airlines.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), citing what
it called the "airport profiling" of six imams removed from a recent
flight, yesterday said Muslims traveling this month to the holy site in
Saudi Arabia need to be aware of their rights.
"Given the increase in the number of complaints CAIR has
received alleging airport profiling of American Muslims, we believe it
is important that all those taking part in this year's hajj be aware of
their legal and civil rights," said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR spokesman.
The group has established a toll-free hot line (800/784-7526)
for victims of "flying while Muslim," as Muslims have begun departing
for the weeklong hajj, a once-in-a-lifetime obligation to visit the
holy city of Mecca, which this year begins Dec. 29.
Here's a list of things the "Flying Imams" did to to everyone feel at home. Their tactics are so painfully obvious, it's nearly laughable. To behave in a suspicious manner on the airlines, cause panic amongst passengers, sue the airlines (and/or Gov't), and force the infidels to be so PC as to risk their lives. Dennis Miller said it best, "destroy us if must, just don't play us for chumps"
JIhad Watch chimes in, Memo to Ibrahim Hooper (CAIR Spokesman): I hereby volunteer to fly to Mecca. I promise you I'll keep close tabs on the airline service, Ibrahim, and will give you a full report as soon as I get back. What's that? As a non-Muslim, I am forbidden to enter Mecca? Any practice of faith by a non-Muslim in Saudi Arabia could land me in a Saudi Arabian prison? What are you, some kind of a kafirophobe?
So if the infidels are giving you the stink eye, just dial 1-(800)- 911 IMAM. Operators in burquas are standing by.