Hat tip Drudge.
What is it with the Russians and poison? Just a few days ago former KGB agent
Alexander Litvinenko died from Polonium-210 poisoning , putting the blame squarely on Russian President Vladimir Putin. That story also had a UK connection, Litvinenko was in London when he was poisoned. How did the plutonium get into the UK? Smuggled on Britsh Airways apparently.
Although it looks like the Russians were going after "one of their own" I doubt the potentially radiated airline passengers will see it that way, neither will the British government take this lightly. We may have re-entered the Cold War.
Thousands of British Airways passengers were caught
in a radiation scare last night after traces of a substance, thought to
be the same that killed the former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko,
were found on two planes.
Around 33,000 passengers
are believed to have flown on 221 flights across Europe since the
traces were found earlier in the month.
The Government grounded one plane on Tuesday and another yesterday. A third is in Moscow awaiting tests.
are focusing on flights from Moscow to Heathrow Airport on Oct 25 and
31 and in the other direction on Oct 28 and Nov 3. Since then, the
planes, all Boeing 767s, have flown to Barcelona, Dusseldorf, Athens,
Larnaka, Madrid, Vienna, Istanbul, Frankfurt and Stockholm.
BA has set up a helpline for affected passengers and those with
symptoms of radiation poisoning, such as vomiting or bleeding gums,
were advised to telephone NHS Direct. The Health Protection Agency
(HPA) said the risk to the public was low....
..."It can only represent a radiation hazard if it is taken into the body
— by breathing it in, by taking it into the mouth, or if it gets into a
wound. It is not a hazard as long as it remains outside the body."
Of the 16 tests returned thus far, none have detected radiation. Why use plutonium, an easily traceable poison? I think the point of plutonium poisoning is a slow...painful...death that has no antedote. Putin wants his victims to suffer for a long time while contemplating their crime.
Sky News supplies contact info for passengers;
The BA free phone number for passengers is 0845 604 0171.
An international helpline can be reached on 0191 211 3690.
Or Visit: British Airways Website
Decision '08 has an update
Suspicion of Moscow involvement is even on the rise in Russia itself:
It is a catastrophe. I think that it is one of those
turning points as regards Russia’s image in the world, which is
plummeting as it is. It is very difficult to talk to a country which
poisons political opponents with thallium or something else… Russia is
becoming a different country. Whereas previously it was a
quasi-democratic state, we are now quickly turning into [President]
Lukashenko’s Belarus, where people disappear.
Perhaps there is another explanation…Russia had certainly better
hope so, because with all the trouble this is causing England, there
would be major, major repercussions if the suspisions are borne out…
UPDATE 9:56 a.m.: Hmmm…now comes news that the illness of ex-Russian Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar may be due to poison, as well…
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